About Me

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I am a retired RN with 50 years of experience. My experience spans ICU, ER, Telemetry, Administrative Supervision and Clinical Documentation Integrity. I grew up on a farm in Western Pennsylvania. I didn't have other children close by to play with, so animals became my friends. Although I love and enjoy all animals, cats have always been my favorite. I have lived in Southern California since 1980. My husband and I are coexisting with Fanny. She is the DIVA that inspired my book and this blog. I hope you enjoy reading about my feline friends. I also share some childhood memories which may spark some memories of your own.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Buddy's Sudden Illness

Buddy and Mutchka were a wonderful duo.  Buddy always watched out for Mutchka.  And Mutchka was entertaining just by his strange behavior. He jumped at the slightest sound.  He almost knocked you over trying to hide when the doorbell rang.

Buddy on the other hand was "chill".  Nothing rattled him.

But one day my husband and I were having a conversation in the hallway when all of a sudden Buddy had a violent seizure at out feet. 

He was barely responsive when we got him to the Vet.  They gave him some fluids.  Ran some blood and urine test.

He did become responsive but the Vet gave us some terrible news.  He had end stage kidney failure.  We were shocked since he never showed any signs of illness prior to the seizure. 

The Vet said cats hide illness very well and there wasn't anything we could have done different.  We had always taken him for his routine check ups.

So the next day we made the decision to have him put to sleep since there was nothing the Vet could offer in way of treatment. It was June of 1999 when we said goodbye.
RIP Buddy.

In my next post I explore kidney disease in cats.

Please come back.

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